What would happen if you could revert time

Kartik Joshi
4 min readNov 28, 2023


Well, my beloved friend asked me, “What would happen if I had a chance to go back to the past and correct things?” Honestly, I hope I could do that, but practically, that’s not possible. Yet, we live in a world of theoretical answers and imagination. Let’s consider X as the solution. From the given equation, we know that Y likes X and is okay with a positive solution. From equations 1 and 2, we can prove that X is a non-negative number. Voila! Hence, we’ve proved that X is a positive answer, the solution to the question.

Sorry for the high school math confusion. Let me simplify this. Let’s assume I have a chance to change things in the past. But what if you (her) were given the same option, considering what has happened in the future? Would you still want to correct things and consider me your beloved? The whole story revolves around this. Just knowing my side won’t make a difference. I need to know your opinion. Sadly, I don’t have that option. I could text you and ask, “Hey, if you had a chance to go back and correct things, knowing my mistakes, would you change the past or accept what you have?” Or I could ask, “Would you consider leaving your current partner for me in the past?” I can do that right now while writing this, but two things stop me. Firstly, I don’t have the guts to ask you all this after my mistakes. Secondly, I know you won’t give me an honest answer. You’ve vowed never to show your true feelings to me in your whole life, and I understand that. It’s a lifetime punishment for me not to know what you truly want from me. But let’s imagine if you said yes, how would the story continue?

Moving back two years in time, things are going well. I’m about to complete my final year of graduation, and you’re about to start your new college life. Theoretically, we might be in the same city or even the same college. We see each other every day, exchanging smiles in the corridor. We have endless discussions during long nights. I tease you about your cooking, and you scold me for my bad eating habits. Life is sweet; we have each other’s warmth. I can finally see you whenever I want. We don’t need to find a private space every time to be together. We drink together and go on night outs. I would keep my head on your lap while your parents call, teasing you and trying to gain attention. You try not to react, so your parents won’t know we’re together. Speaking in your mother tongue to curse me, knowing I wouldn’t understand. Your ways to seek attention, dressing up and teasing me with your wits, sharing your childhood experiences and stories about your siblings. I’d say you still have the brain of a kid despite looking like an adult. As I say all this, I look into your perfectly carved eyes, the chiseled cuts on your face, your soothing curves that wrap around your body, and your peaceful smile. Though we’re far away, I can imagine you right next to me, passing that notorious smile. I tease you about possible outcomes and see your tremendous reactions. In the end, you realize it’s just a joke, leading to immense drama and you crying like a baby, refusing to listen. I try my best to make it up to you, and eventually, you hug me tightly, falling asleep in my arms. We sleep peacefully, the calmness and elegance of the night eloping us. You wake up in the morning seemingly angry (but you’re not; you just want attention), behaving like a child. I try to make it up by offering a lollipop and a bar of chocolate by the end of the day. Things are as good as we both wanted.

Let’s snap out of the dream and face reality. Oh god, I miss it so much. I don’t know why I don’t have all this. But it is what it is. We can’t change the past, and we can only hope for a happier future. All we have is our present. All I can do is hope that you forgive me someday, and we end up being good friends. I know I can’t have you in my life the way I wish, but more than that, I just want you as a friend. I want to share my good and bad times with you, like we did back then when we didn’t share our feelings. All I wish is that moment in the past. I hope it might happen. I’d genuinely thank God if it does; it would be an act of redemption for me.



Kartik Joshi

High in my dreams and low in words, I guess I should stop taking drugs in my dreams.